Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Seventh Day With Sergey

(Saturday 8/9) We woke early Saturday morning to a gorgeous day for canoeing.

For breakfast, the boys made no-pan omelettes and oatmeal with fruit bits, which they love, but Sergey wasn't too crazy about either. I tried to tell him that he needs to force himself to eat anyway because paddling is hard work, but he would only eat the ham out of the eggs, and there wasn't a lot of it in their serving. And no oatmeal. I always say, if you don't eat the food in front of you, it just means that you're not hungry enough yet. I have very little sympathy for anyone who's starving when he refuses to eat at a meal. But I digress.

We headed out on the canoes after breakfast. The winds were calm and we wanted to avoid stronger winds in the afternoon. We trekked around the lake for about 3 hours. Some of the boys fished from the canoes as we went. One of the older boy scouts took Sergey in his canoe with him. Mark started out with someone else, but eventually traded spots with the boy with me while we were out there so that he could be with me.

When we got back, we had a late lunch of ramen noodles with vegetables, which tasted really good after being out on the water. Sergey did enjoy that meal.

We killed time for the remainder of the afternoon. Some of the boys went fishing, others hiked, and others sat around the fire shooting the breeze. Arm wrestling and "football" were also played. I put football in quotes because it was really just dogpiling on various people, whoever was "lucky" enough to have the ball.

For dinner, each boy made his own hobo meal. That is hamburger, potatoes, and other veggies that they cook over coals in the firepit. That is always a camp favorite. Then watermelon and cookies for dessert. Yum.

After dinner, the boys did a service project, which was spiffing up one of the picnic shelters. We like to do a service project of some kind whereever we camp. Then a little more free time for fishing or whatever.

Finally, after dark we went on a 2 mi. night hike on a trail through the woods. There was no talking and no flashlights allowed. There was no moon and it was almost pitch black. We could barely see the person in front of us. Sergey held tightly to my arm almost the whole way. Anyway, a big part of Boy Scouts is adventure and I think he will remember that for a long time.

The troop camped over Saturday night, but the three of us headed back to Mitchell so that we could be in church Sunday morning. I had joked with Sergey's host family that we would be sending him back a tired zombie. That's probably not too far from the truth!

A good friend of Nancy's spent the day with her to help her out while we were gone. Thanks so much!

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