Saturday, December 6, 2008


We spent the afternoon with Sergey and his classmates at Orphanage #4 today. It was a day of fun but in the end a sobering reality of their life. None of you reading this would wish to live there. I'll post more later, but for now I'll leave you with my favorite picture from today. As a reminder you can click on pictures to enlarge them.


Debora Hoffmann said...

It's hard to imagine our smiling, laughing, sweet girl there when you post about the reality of the place... We can't begin to fathom what it's really like. We pray the kids can hold on to hope for a family. We want to spread the word about these wonderful kids!

Julie said...

Alan, this is what makes me so sad that we cannot afford to adopt from the Ukraine or Russia. The children in the US already have an advantage. I know there is a baby out there for us, but I wish we could take one out of a difficult situation such as those in Ukraine. Thanks again for sharing . Love & hugs, Juliie